Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

The aesthetics of the new iPod video

The iPod has been, since its release in 2001, one of the most way out and popular digital devices in the microcosm. Being produced by a virile pseudonym allying whereas World, the iPod became popular in a actual short spell of year. The obeisance of the iPod was owed, besides the practical usage of the actual product, to the authentic ways of promoting and advertising of the company and, owing to sound, to the aesthetical qualities that the product presented, ranging from the design features to the packaging.

Since the appearance of the product on the bazaar, implication the primeval iPod in 2001, the design of the product various, but not dramatically; still, every model of the iPod came lie low new features, and so the design and the package had to show well-suited to these, in pattern to satisfy the consumers. The most determining element that was considered by the creators when establishing the shape of the new device was the perfect proportioning. The new item was supposed to express well-lighted and obvious, in order to be carried in all sizes of pockets, yet it had to look like a powerful and strong device. Even more, the necessity of providing a stable platform for the controls and the fact that the device was supposed to be managed easily by the customers, lead to the optimization of the perfect size and shape. The result was a device which was the right size in order to be held in the hand without difficulty and managed without effort. In the 5 years of constant research in order to find the right proportion for the iPods, the device ranged between the thickest model, expressed in the 2nd generation of iPods and the almost as thick 4th generation iPod to the more symmetric models of the 1st and 3rd generations.

Following these rules, the first 4 generations of the iPod managed the keep the right proportions that could permit the optimum use of the sound and later on, the photo features ( even so, the iPod nano was considered to be too light and fragile ). After the launching of the 4th generation of iPods, Apple were preparing to provide a new and even more innovative iPod, which was supposed to have a video feature, as well. At that time, the most significant concern of the producers was the fact that, due to the new iPod features, which had to permit a good visibility and a larger screen, the perfect proportions of the iPod might be ruined. As a result, the last generation of iPods is the thinnest of all; instead, the screen is larger, which allows videos to be watched much better.

Since the original model, the iPod ' s height and width have remained the same. Still, the corners of the new iPod video are sharper, in comparison with the rounded edges of the previous models. Even more, the center button of the device is flat, without any convex potions, which characterized the previous models of iPods.

The new iPod video comes in 2 colors: black and white, which adapt well to the color of the package, which is black and silver. With this colors ( which are the same as the ones of the iPod`s nano colors ), the new device seems improved and more refined. The black iPod has a chrome Apple logo, but the ear buds remain white, for both colors of the main device.

The iPod has been constantly modified in order to establish the perfect size for carrying and listening to music while walking and sometimes dancing. The iPod video presents, besides an obvious technical evolution that allows now watching videos on this small device, a new appearance, with different proportions, which are adapted to the most important request: good visibility. With a larger screen and thinner aspect, the iPod video turns out to be a stylish and aesthetic product, which slightly changes the image of the previous models, yet keeps the brand features intact.

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Reviews about iPod video

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The new iPod video has stirred a lot of reactions, a lot of reviews, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of its utility, quality and features. These reviews are important especially because of the fact that the new iPod video was launched without a serious study of the market, of the customer’s tastes and wishes. From this point of view this is a daring initiative and a great step in the video development.

The reviews usually point superficial the amazement and the great success concerning the new iPod video, but also highlight some aspects that may ration to its improvement. For example, the great advantage of connecting the iPod video to the TV set and playing the videos on it is great - received. But on the other hand, the fact that the iPod video cannot be connected to the computer is seen as a disadvantage. The transfer from iPod to computer is not possible and this fact may be a suggestion for the designers and creators of the iPod video.

Some customers are in love with this device because of the possibility of watching the favorite TV shows and ABC hits like “Lost” and “Desperate Housewives” even in the road. The stress of loosing the relaxing TV show or film may be unqualified unpleasant especially in the situation of difficult days at work. Therefore, the possibility of watching them on an iPod video is an excellent idea. Besides, the iPod video matches the crazy contemporary lifestyle, giving the hap of checking the e - mail, of finding out the time in other cities very useful especially in the case of people that travel a lot.

Satisfaction and pleasant remarks are the main notes for the new iPod video, as it is really a great product. The fact that it has more features, more quality, longer battery life and smaller dimensions, thinner display is enjoyed a lot. A small disadvantage, compared to the great new benefits, is the fact that the images, photos from the iPod video transferred to the TV set are too bright, although very clear and nice.

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Another titanic advantage is the fact that the customers may listen to the music over 14 hours ( it depends on the makeup ). But the reviews point out a disadvantage – the fact that the video playback time is only 2 hours. Another disadvantage is the fact that the iTunes from the iTunes Music Store are too expensive, but taking into account the great quality of the sound this may not be such a great disadvantage. Besides, the equalizer may be acquiesce for a better quality sound.

Some other reviews highlight the fact that the screen quality is clear and maybe clearer than of the most TV sets. This aspect may be put together with the fact that the screen is better and bigger although the display is smaller and thinner.

A special attention may be paid to the fact that, as in other cases, some defect items may be in sale, but it may be exchanged within 14 days. Another disadvantage that completes the fact that the iPod video cannot be connected to the computer is that it doesn’t work well with wireless FM transmitters. This problem may be also managed with a cassette adapter for the iPod so that it would work great.

Unresponsiveness and freezing video images are altered problems mentioned in the user reviews. Hardware problems and the low quality of some songs may be differential possible problems according to the reviews of the customers. These aspects seem to nib out the fact that this technology is not mature enough and the new iPod video is from some point of view an experiment and a conduct of testing the market.

Anyway, the fact that the new iPod video has reduced dimensions and may fit any pocket. Besides, the high resolution and the great quality of the songs are exclusive advantages and are mentioned by the customers bury joy and satisfaction.

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