Senin, 29 November 2010

The special needs of pregnant vegetarian

MO is clear that to increase their nutritional needs during pregnancy. However, about 300 calories more than normal during this period, therefore, essential that the PM can make healthy diet and eat foods rich in nutrients.

A good start is to ensure that Aore eat lots of protein. Their need for protein increases by 30 percent during pregnancy, but most vegetarians eat women more than enough protein in your diet. Soy protein, beans and legumes are good sources of protein vegetarian.

You need to increase their calcium intake. Every day is at least four servings of calcium-rich foods such as broccoli, soy milk fortified with calcium, eat tofu and green leaves.

Sunlight stimulates the body to produce vitamin D itself, and I'm probably the best way to ensure that an adequate amount of each day. Only about 20 minutes directly in the face and hands two or three times a week, when the sun is lower. If you are not left in a position AOT, be sure to include foods rich in vitamin D in your diet by choosing fortified cereals, or use a supplement.

Check your iron intake, since the morning, a mineral essential during pregnancy, especially in the second half. Choose beans, green vegetables, nuts and seeds, and enriched breads and cereals. They can also be used to supplement to ensure you get the required amount.

Vitamin B-12 is also an important nutrient during pregnancy, but to find the hard drive have in most plant foods. Choose fortified cereals or soy milk, yeast, AM, and consider a multivitamin with adequate to ensure your body the amount you need replaced.

And while Zinc is difficult to find in a vegan or vegetarian, the need for increases during pregnancy. Whole grains and legumes are a good choice for this nutrient, but again it may be necessary to ensure that complement Aore get what you need.

If you have a good variety of nutritious foods that provide enough calories to eat a healthy weight gain no effort, vitamins and minerals your body needs at this wonderful time should have. And while many women choose not should take a daily prenatal vitamin to be a substitute for good nutrition. Develop a cooperative relationship with your doctor, and she supports vegetarianism, and consider consulting a nutritionist, if necessary.


Minggu, 28 November 2010

Environmental costs of industrial agriculture and animal husbandry

Once upon a time, the consumption of meat a good source of nutrition, since the use of hormones, pesticides and methods of mass production was still unknown. A family gathered and processed their own livestock. Each morning, large golden eggs in potholes that have been treated with love and collected fed pesticide-free grain healthy.

Factory farms to use available today, but in the process they left an ecological costs that future generations will be forced to condemn. Raising animals for food requires more than half the water in the U.S. each year and one-third of all raw materials, including fossil fuels. This industry is the biggest polluter of our waters and is directly responsible for 85 percent of soil erosion. Depending on the flesh of our country continues to poisoning and depleting our land, water and air.

Of all areas in the United States, 87 percent is used for the rearing of animals. That 45 percent of the total mass of the United States.

Methane is one of four greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. The world's 1.3 million cows produce a fifth of all methane emitted into the atmosphere.

The rise of animals for food causes more water pollution in the United States than in any other industry because animals for food 20 times the excrement of the entire human population increased-230, 000 £ per second.

Used by all raw materials and fossil fuels in the United States, more than one third is used to raise animals for food supply.
Tropical forests are being destroyed at a rate of 125,000 square kilometers per year. The main cause of deforestation in animal breeding for food.

The inhumane treatment of animals for human consumption increased costs of collection and processing of animals for human consumption is too high. Make a commitment to reduce or eliminate meat from your diet, and learn to live plant foods supply the natural environment. The animals and their conscience is better for him.


Eliminate red meat

If you start switch to a vegetarian diet plan, how? Did you just start shopping aisle in the production of the food store? You may have some anxiety attached to change that, and that is understandable.

Try to think of it as a contribution to their eating habits as a radical change. If you have your diet always included red meat, maybe you can start to replace other foods in the meat. Or to eliminate most processed meat and fats in the first place, such as bacon and hamburgers. Since then try to eliminate fast-food burgers, it said in fat and sodium. If you think you miss the taste of bacon in the morning, try to replace or to substitute turkey ham factory. Do not be the same, but will not give up the foods you are accustomed to everything at once.

If you had a health alert and has a need to change everything at once, you have to buy a lot of variety in the food you when you include new flavors and textures begin to replace discover who are accustomed to eat. If you do not need to make a radical change at a time, a much better chance of long-term success if you have to take lightly. Reduce the number of red meat, eat once a week, even if they replace pasta with marinara sauce for meat one night a week does. Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Start with raw vegetables in the evening before dinner, not as hungry when you arrive at the main meal. Begin to reverse the conditions of meat and vegetables and meat with vegetables and grains to your entry.

We are creatures of habit and resistant to change. That is why many diets fail because they make drastic changes in order to deliver dramatic results, fast. This is a decision and a change you do in life. It is a natural development and the progressive and can expect many years of healthy life.


Sabtu, 27 November 2010

The benefits of a vegetarian diet for diabetics

Diabetics should decide what they eat carefully, as each food choices they have to do to make a profound impact on your health in a food made of flour. Diabetes affects people of all ages, both sexes, all social classes and backgrounds. Untreated, it can slowly heal injuries, longer disease, blindness and kidney failure to heal. Eating is one of the most important in the control of diabetes and a vegetarian lifestyle with its emphasis on low-fat, high fiber and nutrient-rich foods very complementary.

There are more than 30 million individuals worldwide, this disease prevents the body from properly processing food. In general, most of the food is digested and converted into glucose, a sugar that is transported from blood into every cell in the body and used for energy. The hormone insulin helps glucose, then go to the cells. However, diabetics can not control the amount of glucose in the blood because the mechanism that converts sugar into energy is not working properly. Insulin is not present in amounts insufficient or ineffective. Therefore, glucose accumulates in the blood and causes problems such as weakness, inability to concentrate, loss of coordination and blurred vision. If the right balance between diet and insulin is not maintained, a diabetic may also experience levels of sugar in the blood are too low. If this condition continues for a prolonged period can lead to coma and even death.

Although incurable, diabetes can be successfully controlled by diet and exercise, oral medications, insulin injections or a combination. Instead of counting calories diabetics must calculate their total carbohydrate intake so that at least half of their diet consists of complex carbohydrates. Many diabetics have shown that vegetarians, because your diet without meat, with insulin injections had less Resort, giving them a sense of power and control over their disease.


Jumat, 26 November 2010

Hotels and Resorts at Myrtle Beach

Staying in a beautiful resort always helps you to relax and have great time on your holiday. Most people pick beach as their favorite holiday destination. Myrtle Beach is one of the popular destinations in the country. Every year, thousands of tourists spend their holiday at this beautiful beach.

It guarantees that you can find great choices of hotel and resort in this beach. Of course, you still need to get more info on the top choices of hotel and resort at Myrtle Beach. Most people want to have some time to play golf on their holiday. So, you may want to ensure that your Myrtle Beach hotel has this facility. It means that you will have to get detailed info on the offers and facilities in each hotel at Myrtle Beach. Going online gives you bigger chance to get the complete information. I spend a few minutes over the internet and I found It seems to have complete info on hotels and resorts at Myrtle Beach.

You certainly want the easiness to book your resort for your holiday. It can easily be done over the internet. In fact, you can get detailed info on golf packages Myrtle Beach. Then, it will be much easier for you to find the right place to stay on your holiday.


Rabu, 24 November 2010

Bowels and stomach digestion

Many health benefits of a vegetarian diet have to do with the creation of a healthy environment in the intestines and stomach. Our digestive system, from prehistoric times were designed to metabolize vegetable matter, rather than products of animal origin. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts provide the type of dietary fiber our digestive system must function properly. that the Western diet, high in the AM and processed refined flour and sugar, and animal products are loaded with hormones and antibiotics, are actually contrary to our interiors.

If the function doesn AOT digestive system and the work which brings the object MO, the opportunistic diseases or changes in the DNA of cells of the stomach and colon. And there are practical considerations. If we do that, AOT enough of the fiber we need, subject to a number of problems with digestion and elimination, such as constipation and hemorrhoids are the result of an effort to obtain. These diseases and syndromes are much less clear in the vegetarian population in a population of meat consumption.

Other diseases of the bowel, which comprise less frequently in the vegetarian population of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic ulcerative colitis, especially in the high fiber content in a vegetarian diet. And, of course, a diet rich in fiber Clock derived from a vegetarian diet reduce the likelihood or the risk of colon cancer.

In the light of the risks that come with a diet including meat, meat products and animals, and enjoy a vegetarian diet, not the prospect of a steak or burger or bacon really sound good to you? AOT that doesn less sense to reverse the portion size and proportions of meat and vegetable dishes? In other words, if you continue to eat meat, then make their meat dish, or merely incidental to food as a sauce. may be to increase the proportion of fruit and vegetables in your diet is good for you.



People have different reasons for a vegetarian diet. For many people, a health problem. You need to lose weight, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, help control your blood sugar. A vegetarian diet helps to do this.

For other food, it is also the moral and ethical decision, no animal products. Over the centuries, we came to the people to be better than to think all the animals on the planet. We use animals for food, clothing, shoes, belts and other accessories. We use them for scientific experiments. Instead, we offer on the floor and the view that animals exist for us and our need to serve.

PETA means People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and an organization dedicated to changing this state of mind of man. They are against the use of animals for food or clothing, especially for what they considered unnecessary and cruel individual animals, such as murder or trapping for their fur.

They are enthusiastic about their cause. In his own words, believes PETA that animals have rights and deserve to have their interests taken into account if they are useful to humans. Like you, they suffer in the situation and have an interest to lead their own lives, are not therefore use our to for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, or for any other reason.

We are a developer said. But, as has moved on, a company that lives on the suffering of animals to be? In his excellent book, When Elephants cry, author Jeffrey Masson explores the emotional lives of animals and presents convincing evidence. As a species, we must begin to reassess our place in this country again and watch over all other creatures that live there. PETA considers this too and is a staunch defender of animal rights.


Selasa, 23 November 2010

Invest your Money with Gold

In this modern era, there are various kinds of investment that you may find. You need to find the right choice for your investment. Today, some people are very interested in using gold to invest their money. This is become one of the most popular choice for some people because you can sell it later with a higher price.

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In global economic environment, investors are very interested in using gold IRA to invest their money. There are various kinds of gold alternative that you may find such as pension plans, 401k, 403b, and IRA.


Senin, 22 November 2010


There are some problems that a convincing argument for a vegetarian diet than beef and how it's done. Although the industry is beef industry is inherently cruel and inhumane for the worst.

Young calves are separated from their mothers, often in a day. You are in enclosures that prevent the movement to keep their muscles kept soft. The production of beef, pale and soft, is so appreciated by gourmets, calves a liquid, which creates a lack of iron and fiber, the anemia in animals are fed.

Staying in which they live their short life creates a high level of chronic stress in animals and are then given the much higher levels of medication may be harmful to humans. The isolation makes them weak, are often not able to. We treat criminals who committed the most horrific crimes imaginable, humane treatment of calves that are innocent.

Why would someone in the flesh, that a tea table consume prompted with the suffering of animals? What a dining experience can be worth anything when we know what the animal, especially a calf that has to happen?

At the age of 20 weeks, the calf is slaughtered. The meat we eat is mass produced and slaughtered. His life is inhuman, and his death is inhumane, but also less healthy for us to eat. Beef is an excellent example of this industry. The transition to a vegetarian diet is not only a much more healthy diet is the way to live in harmony with the earth. It may have been a matter for centuries to hunt for meat, because it was a means of survival. Mass production of the meat industry today is nothing like that, and is a cause of disease and poor health for the survival or nutrition.


Minggu, 21 November 2010

Animal suffering

What are the reasons why you eat? That may seem a silly question because we nourish our bodies to eat first. Many of us also get emotional satisfaction when we eat, and most of us are omnivores, they eat everything, including meat and poultry means.

There are many reasons to go to a vegetarian diet, many of them related to health. But many people refuse meat for the inhumane treatment of animals, mass produced, food to feed the population. to meet large-scale farming to American consumer is grotesque cruelty. If you eat meat you eat the flesh of an animal whose life has been artificially reduced by over-feeding him to a slaughterhouse before arrival. They are in small pens and cages where they suffer held chronic stress. If they live their young, their babies taken from them, sometimes a day after birth. They are fed growth hormones and antibiotics and economical characterization of natural behaviors and actions that a normal life. Pigs must not root. The calves are kept immobile. Chickens are raised in cages, their beaks seared with a hot knife sharp, aggressive behavior deal with the outcome of childbirth.

Do you really think the fish out of his mind and the energy is separated? The agony and the stress they encounter in their lives shortened permeates every cell of your body. Please note that depression and stress can make people sick can infect our muscles and organs. There is a whole different animal? No meat or milk to survive. We no longer have the hunting party, we are more than the consumer society.

Is not it time we all started to think differently, what we eat nourish our bodies? We evolved from herbivores, and yet we went on our own evolutionary path. We can make a case for hunting and meat consumption as the only means for survival. But that is no longer the case and the possibilities are endless. Do they have to contain meat from animals suffering? How can he as a food?


Jumat, 19 November 2010

Variety in your new vegetarian diet

You weigh your options carefully Äôve study the pros and cons and decided that the vegetarian lifestyle is right for you. But where do you start to change? Would you like turkey Äòcold?, Would you accept AO a gradual approach to transition to vegetarianism? But you want to change, you can begin to consume the health benefits of vegetarianism by significantly reducing the amount of meat and realize consumption of vegetables, fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the middle of their meals.

Choose whole grains such as bread flour, whole wheat bread instead of refined grains or white. Eating a variety of foods and gifts, AOT fear, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread, nuts or seeds taste Äôve never tried. To explore and experiment! You can add a new favorite or two and learn cool new ways to spice discover traditional vegetarian dishes. Many vegetarian dishes can be found in any grocery store. can carry some of the less common delicatessens, and many vegetarian dishes. When buying food, plan ahead, shop with a list and read food labels. And if you consume dairy products, choose varieties with no fat or low in fat and limit consumption of eggs to 3-4 yolks per week choose.

Becoming a vegetarian can be as simple as you wish. Whether you prepare delicious food, delicious meals or choose quick and easy vegetarian can be worthwhile. If you make a habit of following in the hand, the preparation of a dietary supplement will become:

- Ready to eat whole grains for breakfast, and quick to cook whole grains such as oats, whole wheat bread, like rye, wheat, and mixtures of cereals and other grains like barley and bulgur wheat
- Canned beans such as pinto, black beans, and garbanzo beans
-Rice (including brown, wild, etc.) and paste (now also in wheat, spinach and other flavors) with tomato sauce and canned beans and / or vegetables
Vegetarian minestrone, or white beans such as lentils
- A variety of simple and frozen vegetables and frozen fruit
- fortified soy milk and soy cheese, if you choose not to eat dairy products
-A wide variety of fruit and vegetables, which should be in the heart of any system

As you learn to experiment with food and learn a meatless diet doesn, AOT to the lack of diversity that was found the decision for vegetarianism Äôll not only wise, but the time is easy and fun to eat.


Senin, 15 November 2010

Tips for a tasty vegetarian Thanksgiving

If you want to remain the host of the house and wait to take care of vegetarian guests this year, not separated on the preparation of meat mass consumption of vegetarian foods and other foods. Most do not require a vegetarian Thanksgiving meat equivalent "a". Yes, Thanksgiving is traditionally a lot of food. But most importantly, the family, marriage, happiness and peace. And when the first Thanksgiving after the transition to a vegetarian diet, try some to integrate these ideas to the production of healthy food for its customers vegetarian food, and as host, will be thankful for this Thanksgiving Action:

- Bake some stuffing outside of Turkey.
- Take a small portion of vegetarian gravy.
- Keep to separate utensils to prevent "cross contamination" between meat foods and vegetarian dishes.
- If the recipes are adaptable (without whey formulations are suitable for vegans) for use as a substitute vegetarian broth, soy margarine, soy milk, and kosher marshmallows, which are made without gelatin.
- Use vegetable oils instead of animal fats and vegetable fat frying in Crisco pie crust.
- You can be reading the ingredients list on packaged foods, being aware of terms such as gelatin, whey, and "natural flavoring", the animal origin.
- Prepare a variety of dishes of vegetables and fruit, but not quite normal.
- Provide enough bread, drinks, fruit and gelatin desserts, which are suitable without modification for most vegetarians.
- Invite your guests to prepare a vegetarian "Tofurky" turkey or vegetarian equivalent of "'dish to share with you the rest of your guests, or you can prepare for hosting Thanksgiving, a bit of your guests to eat meat curious enough to try. Try it!
- Please complete your vegetarian guest assistance, advice or recipes that your vegetarian options. It may be that your hosts to help in the kitchen or bring a plate of offers from home. Please do not take the marble as an insult to your kitchen, consider sharing the hope that the tradition of Thanksgiving. Even houses in meat consumption may benefit from a healthy idea, nutrients vegetarian recipe at any time of year!
- Very important - make tons of fresh vegetables and delicious (not overcooked), the perfect in season such as pumpkins, sweet potatoes and green beans, etc.


Kamis, 11 November 2010


They know that a vegetarian diet can reduce the incidence of heart disease and certain cancers, reduce. They also know that they are more efficient and healthier. But most studies done on health men? What women and the impact of a vegetarian diet on their health as they age?

Diets high in protein, especially animals, tend to the body result in more calcium, oxalate and excrete uric acid. These three substances are the main components of stones in the urinary tract. British researchers reported that people prone to kidney stones should a vegetarian diet to follow. The American Academy of Family Physicians, that the consumption of animal protein is largely responsible for the high prevalence of kidney stones in the United States and other developed countries and recommends protein restriction for the prevention of recurrent kidney stones.

For many of the same reasons, vegetarians have a lower risk for osteoporosis. Since animal products force calcium in the body, may promote eating meat and bone loss. In countries where vegetarian diet, especially (and dairy), and osteoporosis is less common than in the United States, even when calcium intake is also lower than in the U.S. of calcium is important but there is no need calcium from dairy products obtained.

We will continue to consume meat, while taking calcium to prevent osteoporosis and prescription drugs, often dramatic side effects. And most experts agree that calcium is lower than that of calcium from natural food sources are. Is it not make sense (and cents) to get calcium from a healthy diet?


Selasa, 09 November 2010

Vegetarians and cancer

They may have a general idea that the vegetarian diet is healthy for you. But do you really know how much less incidence of certain cancers in vegetarians?
Vegetarian diets are naturally low in saturated fatty acids, rich in fiber and rich in phytochemicals protects against cancer, prevent cancer. Large studies in England and Germany showed that vegetarians 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat eaters. United States of America, studies of Seventh-day Adventists who are largely lacto-ovo vegetarians, a significant reduction in cancer risk among those who avoid meat shown. Similarly, rates of breast cancer significantly lower in countries such as China, the herbal diet. Interestingly, the Japanese women who follow Western-style diet of meat to eight times more likely to suffer breast cancer than women who develop a traditional diet to follow, based on vegetables. Meat and dairy products contribute to various forms of cancer, including colon, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

Harvard studies show that tens of thousands of men and women have mentioned shows that regular consumption of meat increases the risk of colon cancer by about 300 percent. A diet high in fat also encourage the body's production of estrogen. High sex hormone that breast cancer has been linked. A recent report indicated that the rate of breast cancer in women before menopause, the most animal (but not vegetable) fat was used up one-third higher than women who ate the least fat of animals. A separate study by the University of Cambridge are also diets high in saturated fat to breast cancer. A study is on dairy products with a higher risk for ovarian cancer. The decomposition process lactose (milk sugar), evidently damages the ovaries. Triple Daily consumption of meat risk enlarged prostate. Regular milk consumption doubles the risk and failure to consume vegetables regularly nearly quadruples the risk.

Vegetarians avoid animal fat linked to cancer and get abundant fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals that help prevent cancer. In addition, as the attack the blood of vegetarians a level of "natural killer cells, specialized white blood cells, the cancer cells.


Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Feed your Vegetarian Baby

Needless to say, is the first food for all babies, including a vegan baby milk. He enjoys the baby's immune system protects against infection and reduces the risk of allergies. Be careful that you are getting enough vitamin B-12 during lactation. Also make sure that your baby receives at least 30 minutes of sun exposure was a week to stimulate the body to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D because breast milk contains very low levels.

The iron content of breast milk is generally low, regardless of how the power of the mother. The iron in breast milk is easily absorbed by the baby itself. The iron in breast milk is enough for 4 to 6 months or longer. After the age of six months, we recommend iron supplements should be introduced.

Formula of soy milk, rice milk, and at home should not be reimbursed in breast milk or infant formula during the first year. These foods do not contain the right balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates, enough vitamins and minerals as an important component of the diet in the first year will be used.

Many people use iron-fortified rice cereal as first food. Cereal can be mixed with milk or soy formula, so that consistency is very thin. Formula or breast-feeding should continue as normal. Start with a food grain per day and work up to two meals per day, or 1 / 3 cup and 1 / 2 Oats, barley, corn and other grains can be ground in a blender, then cooked until soft and smooth. These grains can be introduced at a time. However, do not contain iron, so iron supplements should be continued.

If the baby is accustomed to cereal, fruit juice can, fruit and vegetables are used. Fruit and vegetables should be mashed well. Mashed banana or avocado sauce, mashed potatoes and canned peaches and pears are a good choice. Vegetables such as potatoes easy, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes and green beans should be cooked and mashed. Grain products such as soft, cooked pasta or rice, soft breads, dry cereals and biscuits can be added when the baby will be more tough.


Go vegetarian during pregnancy

Now that you are pregnant, ask whether your decision to adopt a vegetarian can be performed during pregnancy. And while you need all the nutrients the body occur during pregnancy through a well-planned vegetarian diet, careful planning and monitoring of nutrients can be crucial to the success of the global transition to vegetarianism during pregnancy. Take it easy and be smart: in other words!
While the vegetarian diet has a large selection of fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, nuts and eggs and dairy products, or an equivalent, if desired. Fast food, highly processed junk foods and canned fruit and vegetables are rarely or never ate. It is imperative that you make healthy food at this crucial moment, like a pregnant woman only about 300 calories more per day and about 10-16 grams extra protein needs but the body's need for certain nutrients increases significantly. Every bite you is important if you are pregnant. Although the RDA (recommended daily dose) are particularly important for almost all the increase in nutrients, folic acid, iron, zinc and vitamin B-12. Attention to adequate amounts of vitamin B-12 is for vegetarians who choose not to eat eggs and dairy products.
Working closely with your midwife during this transition. The change in the consumption of meat to a vegetarian diet can be hard on your body, how it actually goes through a detoxification during the transition. Therefore, you want to make sure that your baby gets all the nutrients you need now and is growing and developing at a healthy pace. Start slowly, perhaps only one or two days a week vegetarian diet. Gradually work soy protein and vegetables in your diet, and gradually use them to replace proteins from meat products produced. Make sure you supplement your diet with a quality prenatal supplement, and get enough exercise and sunlight to encourage your body to naturally produce vitamin D.
With careful planning, careful observation and advice of their doctor, the transition to vegetarianism during pregnancy, a start clean and healthy for you and your baby on a lifetime of optimal health.


Kamis, 04 November 2010

Ideas, some variety to your vegetarian lifestyle Add

If you plan a healthy vegetarian diet, limited only by your imagination. It is important to integrate a variety of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables in various meals, including seeds and nuts. Variety is the spice of life, and contribute to a vegetarian diet is nutrient, interesting and fun! Purpose of the variety, even if the courts favorites again and again, with different dishes, snacks and desserts.

Be creative in planning meals. Increase your intake of legumes and vegetables by eating these foods for lunch and not just for dinner. It is an aim to serve a vegetable every day for lunch and two dinners. Plan a meal around a vegetable. A baked potato, a delicious meal, serve with beans, cooked tomato sauce or a few tablespoons of salsa. Or make a simple meal of roasted vegetables and pasta.

Try new foods often. Experiment with a variety of grains such as quinoa, couscous, wheat, barley, wheat and fruit. Try fruits and vegetables, are popular in different international cuisine, as Bok Choy. Emphasize the positive. more on healthy foods, avoid applying for a vegetarian plan instead of food, Focus. If you are unsure of how a new food to your vegetarian diet, ask the product manager at your dealer or health food store for ideas on how to prepare. The Internet can be a great resource for recipe ideas and preparation. But make sure you build your menu on a base of the plant solids. Make the core of their diet.

Not stress enough protein. As long as calories are sufficient and the diet is varied, vegetarians easily meet protein needs. Cereals, legumes, vegetables and nuts all provide protein. Vegetarians do not eat special combinations of foods to meet with protein. It is however important to know, the fat. Even vegetarians can store excess fat if the diet contains large quantities of nuts, oils, processed foods or sweets.


Selasa, 02 November 2010

The intestines and stomach, digestive

Many health benefits of a vegetarian diet have to do with the creation of a healthy environment in the intestines and stomach. Our digestive system, from prehistoric times were designed to metabolize vegetable matter, rather than products of animal origin. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts provide the type of dietary fiber our digestive system must function properly. that the Western diet, high in the AM and processed refined flour and sugar, and animal products are loaded with hormones and antibiotics, are actually contrary to our interiors.

If the function doesn AOT digestive system and the work which brings the object MO, the opportunistic diseases or changes in the DNA of cells of the stomach and colon. And there are practical considerations. If we do that, AOT enough of the fiber we need, subject to a number of problems with digestion and elimination, such as constipation and hemorrhoids are the result of an effort to obtain. These diseases and syndromes are much less clear in the vegetarian population in a population of meat consumption.

Other diseases of the bowel, which comprise less frequently in the vegetarian population of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic ulcerative colitis, especially in the high fiber content in a vegetarian diet. And, of course, a diet rich in fiber Clock derived from a vegetarian diet reduce the likelihood or the risk of colon cancer.

In the light of the risks that come with a diet including meat, meat products and animals, and enjoy a vegetarian diet, not the prospect of a steak or burger or bacon really sound good to you? AOT that doesn less sense to reverse the portion size and proportions of meat and vegetable dishes? In other words, if you continue to eat meat, then make their meat dish, or merely incidental to food as a sauce. may be to increase the proportion of fruit and vegetables in your diet is good for you.


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